
The heart of Change - Vocation in movement (18-30 years old)

The heart of Change – Vocation in movement

Youth Exchange for youth between 18 and 30 y.o.
12 – 23 August 2022
@ La Maison de Paille – Essertfallon, Jura

Imagine an affordable residential program that combines time in Nature,
self-awareness sessions to unveil your Authentic Vocation, a Yoga program to develop your body awareness and technical sessions to strengthen your know-how and learn how to design personal action plans. That’s “the Heart of Change – Vocation in Movement », an international Youth Exchange that will take place Spring 2021 in the Jura Canton, Switzerland. Addressed to young people between 18 and 30 y.o. from Switzerland, Italy & other 2 European countries to be defined this program is a transformational experience that will help you unleash your full potential.

More infos & applications here:

Association les Coccinelles

Route d'Essertfallon 37

2886 Epiquerez

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