
Rise & Regenerate - Activism for youth (18-30 years old)

Rise & Regenerate – Activism for youth
Youth Exchange for youth between 18 and 30 y.o.
1 – 8 September 2022
​@ Longo Maï – Undervelier

By temporarily taking part in an eco-community, existing for 40 years (Longo Maï in Undervelier in the Swiss Jura), the participants will experience practical, systemic, networked, distributed, collaborative leadership and lifestyle. We will explore the practical side of living in an ecological sustainable way as well as practice deep ecology and the work that reconnects as a way of developing inner resilience in these times of social and ecological turmoil starting from gratitude, practicing presence, honouring the pain we feel for the world, seeing with new eyes and moving forward creating a vision for a sustainable world.

More infos & applications here:

Association les Coccinelles

Route d'Essertfallon 37

2886 Epiquerez

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